Premium Hybrid Seed Corn
Conventional Hybrid Seed Corn
- RM 95-96 day
- Dominant yield performance for its maturity across all environments
- Very girthy ear adapts to moderate planting populations
- Medium statured hybrid with very good roots and stalks
- Very good standability
- Outstanding grain variety that works well for silage
- RM 101-102 day
- Wide adaptability moves across various soils
- Excellent early vigor for minimum tillage and early planting
- Medium-tall plant with very good stalks and roots
- Long ears with good kernel depth with excellent test weight and yield
SX-495 New For 2025!
- RM 105 day
- Medium-tall with above average stalks and roots
- Long ear with excellent flex and big kernels
- Increased health, better on leaf diseases and good late season stay green
- Moderate population will work best as plant has above average ear flex
- Handles stress well, moves across all soil types, and very versatile
- RM 106 day
- Widely adaptability with consistent high yield performance
- Very good emergence and seedling vigor for cold soil
- Works well with not-till, minimum-till, and conventional
situations - Very good drought and heat tolerance
- Works well across all soil types
- Uniform long girthy ear with good flex and average test
- RM 107-108 day
- High performing hybrid with excellent agronomicsl
- Very Strong disease package including Goss’s Wilt and Tar spot
- Medium long girthy ear with very good grain quality and test weight
- Widely adapted across soil types and works with a wide range of populationst
- RM 108-109 day
- Outstanding yields!!
- Very good test weight and kernel depth
- Excellent early vigor works in no-till and minimum-till
- Excellent roots with very good stalks
- Medium height plant with very good fall intactness
- Super disease package, good GLS and NCLB tolerance
- RM 109-110 day
- Improvement on SX-635A
- Shows impressive early growth
- Strong stalk & roots
- Excellent conventional or no-till choice
- Large girthy ears
- Good dry down and stay green
- Adapts well to various soil types, and excels with high management
Roundup Ready® Corn 2 Hybrid Seed Corn
- RM 101-102 day
- Roundup Ready® 2 Technology
- Wide adaptability moves across various soils
- Excellent early vigor for minimum tillage and early planting
- Medium-tall plant with very good stalks and roots
- Long ears with good kernel depth with excellent test weight and yield
- Comes treated with Acceleron®
VT Double Pro® RIB Complete® Corn Blend Hybrid Seed Corn
All VT Double Pro® RIB Complete® Corn Blend varieties feature the following:- Roundup Ready® 2 Technology
- Protection from above ground insects, including Corn Ear Worm, Fall Army Worm, European and Southwestern Corn Borer
- Refuge-In-Bag (RIB) makes refuges simple and convenient
- All VT2Pro® varieties come treated with Acceleron®
- RM 101-102 day
- Roundup Ready® 2 Technology
- Protection from above ground insects
- Wide adaptability moves across various soils
- Excellent early vigor for minimum tillage and early planting
- Medium-tall plant with very good stalks and roots
- Long ears with good kernel depth with excellent test weight and yield
- RM 107 day
- Roundup Ready® 2 Technology
- Protection from above ground insects
- Wide adaptability with consistent high yield performance
- Very good emergence and seedling vigor for cold soil
- Works well with not-till, minimum-till, and conventional
situations - Very good drought and heat tolerance
- Works well across all soil types
- Uniform long girthy ear with good flex and average test
- RM 108-109 day
- Roundup Ready® 2 Technology
- Protection from above ground insects
- Outstanding yields with very good test weight and kernel depth
- Excellent early vigor works in no-till and minimum-till
- Excellent roots with very good stalks
- Medium height plant with very good fall intactness
- Super disease package with good GLS and NCLB tolerance
All PowerCore® Enlist® Refuge Advance® Corn Hybrids feature the following:- Broad-spectrum above-ground insect control with three distinct modes of action
- Stacked with the Enlist® corn trait
- Builds on glyphosate system with additional tolerance to 2,4-D choline in Enlist® herbicides, glufosinate and FOP herbicides
- Refuge-In-Bag (RIB) solution with 5% refuge, more high yielding corn per acre
- RIB makes refuges simple and convenient
- Treated with Acceleron® which includes Poncho for insect protection and four different fungicides to protect against soil and seed-borne diseases
- PowerCore® Enlist®
- RM 105 day
- Roundup®, Liberty®, and Enlist One® herbicide tolerant
- Protection from above ground insects
- Very impressive disease package, including tar spot
- Tremendous health and intactness with strong stalks
- Widely adapted with long girthy ears and high test weight
- Works well in heavy tough soils
- Performs well in no-till and minimum till situations
- Excels in highly productive soils
SMARTSTAX® RIB Complete® Corn Blend Hybrid Seed Corn
All SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn Blend hybrids feature the following:- Roundup Ready® 2 Technology
- Liberty Link herbicide resistance
- Refuge-In-Bag (RIB) makes refuges simple and convenient
- SmartStax® RIB Complete® contains protection from above ground and below ground insects
- Refuge-In-Bag solution with 5% refuge, more high yielding corn per acre
- All SmartStax® varieties come treated with Acceleron®
- RM 107 day
- Roundup Ready® 2 Technology
- LibertyLink® herbicide resistance
- Wide adaptability with consistent high yield performance
- Very good emergence and seedling vigor for cold soil
- Works well with not-till, minimum-till, and conventional situations
- Very good drought and heat tolerance
- Works well across all soil types
- Uniform long girthy ear with good flex and average test weight
Seeds containing the PowerCore® Enlist®, PowerCore® Enlist® Refuge Advanced®, and Enlist® Corn - REFUGE traits are protected under one or more U.S. patents which can be found at: The purchase of this traited seed includes a limited license to produce a single crop in the United States. The use of seed from such a crop and/or the progeny thereof for propagation or seed multiplication or for production or development of a hybrid or different variety of seed is strictly prohibited. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents in effect at the time of planting of this seed: (i) the Corteva Agriscience Technology Use Agreement and (ii) the Product Use Guides for all technologies in this seed, including the Herbicide Resistance Management (HRM),and Use requirements.
To plant PowerCore Enlist, PowerCore Enlist Refuge Advanced, and Enlist Corn - REFUGE seed, you must have a limited license from Corteva Agriscience (or other appropriate affiliates). In consideration of the foregoing, Corteva Agriscience grants to the Grower a limited license to use its technology to produce only a single commercial crop in the United States under the terms and conditions set forth in the Technology Use Agreement in effect at the time of planting of this seed.
IRM - Properly managing trait technology is key to preserving it as a long term crop protection tool. Growers who fail to comply with IRM requirements risk losing access to this product. To help preserve the effectiveness of B.t. corn technologies, growers planting B.t. corn technologies are required to follow an IRM Plan. Consult the Corn Product Use Guide for appropriate refuge configuration options. Before opening a bag of seed, be sure to read, understand and accept the stewardship requirements, including applicable refuge requirements for insect resistance management, for the biotechnology traits expressed in the seed as set forth in the Technology Use Agreement and Product Use Guide. By opening and using a bag of seed, you are reaffirming your obligation to comply with the most recent stewardship requirements. For complete details on IRM requirements for hybrids with Bt technology, including refuge examples and important information on the use of insecticides on refuge and Bt corn acres, please consult appropriate Product Use Guide. Go to to download the latest Corteva Agriscience Corn Product Use Guide.
Corteva Agriscience is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Corteva Agriscience products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance and in compliance with the Corteva Agriscience policies regarding stewardship of those products. In line with these guidelines, Corteva Agriscience’s product launch process for responsible launches of new products includes a long-standing process to evaluate export market information, value chain consultations, and regulatory functionality. Growers and end-users must take all steps within their control to follow appropriate stewardship requirements and confirm their buyer’s acceptance of the grain or other material being purchased. For more detailed information on the status of a trait or stack, please visit Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Global Stewardship Group.
Following burndown, Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides with Colex-D® technology are the only herbicides containing 2,4-D that are authorized for preemergence and postemergence use with Enlist® corn and soybeans. Consult Enlist® herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are not registered for use or sale in all states and counties; are not registered in AK, CA, CT, HI, ID, MA, ME, MT, NH, NV, OR, RI, UT, VT, WA and WY; and have additional subcounty restrictions in AL, GA, TN and TX, while existing county restrictions still remain in FL. All users must check “Bulletins Live! Two” no earlier than six months before using Enlist One or Enlist Duo. To obtain “Bulletins,” consult, call 1-844-447-3813, or email You must use the “Bulletin” valid for the month and state and county in which Enlist One or Enlist Duo are being applied. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency if you have questions about the registration status of Enlist® herbicides in your area. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE LAW TO USE ANY PESTICIDE PRODUCT OTHER THAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS LABELING. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. USE OF PESTICIDE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, 2,4-D-CONTAINING PRODUCTS NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE WITH ENLIST CORN AND SOYBEANS, MAY RESULT IN OFF-TARGET DAMAGE TO SENSITIVE CROPS/AREAS AND/OR SUSCEPTIBLE PLANTS, IN ADDITION TO CIVIL AND/OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. Additional product-specific stewardship requirements for Enlist crops, including the Enlist Product Use Guide, can be found at POWERCORE® is a registered trademark of Bayer Group. POWERCORE® multi-event technology developed by Corteva Agriscience and Bayer Group. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are registered trademarks of BASF. ®Roundup and Roundup Ready are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. Always follow IRM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed representative for the registration status in your state. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship.
™ ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies.
Bayer is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Bayer products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Bayer’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all applicable regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship.
B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed brand representative for the registration status in your state.
IMPORTANT IRM INFORMATION: Certain products are sold as RIB Complete® corn blend products, and do not require the planting of a structured refuge except in the Cotton-Growing Area where corn earworm is a significant pest. Products sold without refuge in the bag (non-RIB Complete) require the planting of a structured refuge. See the IRM/Grower Guide for additional information. Always read and follow IRM requirements.
Roundup Ready® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate. Roundup Ready® 2 Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate. Plants that are not tolerant to glyphosate may be damaged or killed if exposed to those herbicides. Respect the Refuge and Corn Design® and Respect the Refuge® are registered trademarks of National Corn Growers Association. Acceleron®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready®, SmartStax®, and VT Double PRO® are trademarks of Bayer Group